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Inclusive Practices and Their Effects on Learners’ Academic Performance in Public Primary Schools wi

Persons with disabilities face diverse challenges in educational institutions which greatly affect their access and full participation in academic programmes. The purpose of this study therefore is to find out the Effects of Inclusive Practices on the Academic Performance of Learners with disabilities in public primary schools within Buea municipality. This study was guided by three objectives. To investigate the extent to which teachers’ acceptance of persons with disabilities has been implemented in public primary schools; To find out how far curriculum adaptation for persons with disabilities has affected learners’ academic performance; and To assess the effects of environmental adaptation on the academic performance of learners’ with disabilities in public primary schools within Buea municipality. A survey research design was used to gather data from two public primary schools. The sampled population of the study included 20 teachers. Purposive sampling was used to select the two public primary schools that admit persons with various special educational needs. The research instrument used for collecting data was the questionnaire. This questionnaire was structured under a yes/no format. Collected data was analyzed using mean standard deviation and findings obtained indicated that teachers’ acceptance, curriculum and environmental adaptations have greatly affected the academic performance of learners with disabilities. Thus, this study recommends, there should be action plans to guide and direct the implementation of inclusive educational practices to the entire primary school settings and/or systems. Primary institutions should be constructed with ramps, large classroom space, wash rooms and toilets to ease movements and maneuvering of persons with disabilities. This finding also will help policy makers and educational authorities make better decisions as concerns primary educational pedagogy. With all these archived, it further will enable learners with disabilities to be confident in themselves, learn freely like their peers and many persons with disabilities will be enrolled in public primary schools.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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