Incubation Studies on Nutrient Release Pattern of NPK and Enzymatic Activities in Inceptisol of Andh
Incubation experiment was attended with the primary bulk surface soil sample from experimental field to study the vitamin release pattern of available N, P, K and action of soil enzymes (urease, alkaline phosphatase and dehydrogenase activity) under NPK unique, IPNS (NPK+FYM), Farm Yard Manure (FYM) alone and categorical control. As compared to all other situations, IPNS recorded comparatively higher available N, P and K rank. In case of NPK alone situations, the available N content increased until 90 days of incubation and curtailed thereafter. In case of IPNS treatments, the rank has shown an increase until 120 DAI. Both under NPK alone and IPNS, the available P accompanied an increase up to 90 days later incubation and thereafter lowered gradually until 120 DAI while soil available K accompanied a gradual increase up to 120 DAI. Irrespective of various stages of incubation, STCR-IPNS situations recorded comparatively taller enzymatic project (urease, alkaline phosphatase and dehydrogenase) than STCR-NPK alone. These verdicts derived from the development experiment brought forth the experience that the release pattern of N, P and K and enzymatic endeavors under NPK alone, IPNS, FYM alone and categorical control paved habit for understanding the beneficial effects of IPNS on crop output, efficiency and frugality in fertiliser application and soil fertility nutrition throughout the ending of crop growth.
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