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Influence of Land Configuration, Seed Rates, and Variety on Physiology and Yield of Rainfed Soybean

The present experiment was administered under the ongoing ‘All India Coordinated Research Project’ (AICRP) for Dry Land Agriculture at the College of Agriculture, Indore to study the effect of land arrangement, seed rates, and sort on the physiology of soybean in Central India. The study was completed activity with 3 main plot situations (3 land configurations i.e. L1- Flat sowing-45 cm, L2- Raised bed of 90 cm accompanying 3 Rows bed-1 and L3- Raised bed of 60 cm accompanying 2 Rows bed-1) and 4 subplot treatments (2 types of soybean i.e. V1-RVS 2001- 4 and V2-JS335; 2 beginning rates i.e. S1-60 kg ha-1 (75% of Normal source rate) and S2 40 kg ha-1(50 % of Normal seed rate). The miscellaneous observations had connection with physiological limits viz., crop development rate, relative growth rate, leaf district, leaf area index, and chlorophyll content were written. The source yield of soybean at harvest was also written. The obtained dossier were analyzed apiece method of difference and the null theory was tested apiece ‘F’ test. Further, the critical distinctness was worked out to judge the distinctness between two together situation means. The results disclosed that the land configuration, beginning rates, and variety considerably influenced the physical parameters in soybean that reflected in the source yield of soybean.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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