Influence of Organic Manure and Bioagents on Growth, Yield and Quality of Okra under Assam ..
Organic inputs and bioagents were tested in a field trial to see how they affected okra development, yield, and quality. The experiment used a Randomized Block Design of thirteen treatments and three replications. The results showed that the yield parameters were best when organic and inorganic fertilisers were applied together, while the physical and efficiency parameters were best when organic amendments and bioagents were applied together. According to the results, FYM @ 20 t/ha + VAM + Pseudomonas + Trichoderma + Azotobacter generated the highest B: C ratio (2.66) and can be suggested as a replacement for the inorganic combination of FYM @ 10 t/ha.t/ha + 50:50:50 kg NPK/ha for a higher-quality yield and a profitable return.
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