Influence of Sulphur and Zinc Levels on Growth and Yield of (ZAID) Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.)
Background: The field experiment was completed activity during Zaid 2022 at Crop Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, SHUATS, Prayagraj (U.P). The soil of exploratory plot was ammophilous loam in pattern, nearly impartial in soil response (pH 7.1), low not living carbon (0.36 %), accessible N (171 kg/ha), usable P (15.2 kg/ha) and available K (233 kg/ha). The experiment was planned in Randomized Block Design with nine situations each copied thrice on the basis of individual year test. The situations which are T1: Sulphur 15 kg/ha + Zinc 0.2%, T2: Sulphur 15 kg/ha + Zinc 0.3%, T3: Sulphur 15 kg/ha + Zinc 0.4%, T4: Sulphur 25 kg/ha + Zinc 0.2%, T5: Sulphur 25 kg/ha + Zinc 0.3%, T6: Sulphur 25 kg/ha + Zinc 0.4%, T7: Sulphur 35 kg/ha + Zinc 0.2%, T8: Sulphur 35 kg/ha + Zinc 0.3%, T9: Sulphur 35 kg/ha + Zinc 0.4%, T10: Control are secondhand. The results showed that use of Sulphur 35 kg/ha + Zinc 0.4% written significantly larger plant height (111.00 cm), Number of leaves/plant (12.00), Stem Diameter (5.80 cm), Plant dry burden (55.99 g/plant), Seeds/top part of an animate body (216.66), unfilled Seeds/top part of an animate body (35.00), Test weight (62.57 g), Seed yield (1935.60 kg/ha), stalk yield (4942.4 kg/ha), Harvest index (56.07 %), gross returns (Rs.1,16,136.00/ha), net return (Rs.82,486.00/ha) and benefit cost percentage (2.45).
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