Influence of Tillage Systems on the Productivity of Wheat Varieties in the Conditions of Balkh Afgha
In Afghanistan, defeater in competition challenges in agriculture plan are major soil deterioration, high soil liquid loss, and breeding of the same crop occurring leads to drop in potency level of the soil. Conservation Agriculture defined by three principles that is to say minimum soil disturbance, crop turn and permanent soil cover. A field experiment was administered during cold and summer season of 2018 at research farm of Dehdadi, Balkh, Afghanistan. The experiment was planned in a split plot design, comprising ten situation combinations. The main determinant was conservation farming and conventional farming with substitute factor by five assortments of wheat (Moqawium, Baghlan, Chunt, Darlaman and local).The main objective concerning this study is to equate and determine the performance of new grain varieties under preservation and conventional farming, for improving and recognizing it’s effect on wheat yield and grain varieties under preservation agriculture.The result registered that different soil preservation practice could cause meaningful changes in term of wheat tumor and yield attributes like bundle weight and yield of grain and among grain varieties Chunte sort significantly difference on number of tillers, bundle pressure, straw yield, yield and thousand grain kernel as equate to local wheat sort. In short time skilled was not any dissimilarity in soil chemical and material of soil in term of pH, OC, N, P and K, but in long term skilled will be minor changes occur, so we do approve conserving to develop the soil fertility and nurture the chunte variety for more yield.
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