Local Community Participation in Tourism in Siau Island, Sitaro District, North Sulawesi,Indonesia..
This study aims to evaluate the role of local communities in the development of tourism on the island of Siau, as well as how the government encourages locals to work in the tourism industry. Qualitative analysis with descriptive methods was used in this study. Interviews were conducted with several informants from the local community, including members of the Sitaro Nature Lovers Community (KOMPAS), the Chairperson of the DPC Sitaro Indonesian Tourism Association, and the government, including Tagulandang Biaro, the Head of the Tourism and Culture Office of Siau Regency (Sitaro). According to the findings of the report, local communities on Siau Island engage in tourism by selling food near tourist attractions, maintaining tourist attractions, and maintaining cleanliness. On Siau Island, the local community is also interested in the growth of tourism. Since some tourist attractions are still poorly controlled, the government's position in mobilising local communities to assist in the tourism sector is still inadequate.
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