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Making Vermicompost from Kitchen Waste with Vermicomposting Technology

Rapid urbanization, machine control, technological development, and study of human population have created serious questions with climbing solid waste generation, and directing such enormous amounts of waste should increasingly difficult. Each year, in addition to one billion tonnes of solid garbage are produced, and they end up unscientifically in the atmosphere, creating costs for association, the economy, and the ecosystem. The decent management of this large volume of garbage presents meaningful difficulties for humanity. Researchers from everywhere the world are expect fresh, cutting-edge, and environmentally tenable waste management technology. Biological approaches are more adapted for waste treatment since they maybe economical and recycle various waste components into beneficial end products. One such effective biological waste management method is vermicomposting, which uses bacteria to help earthworms decay garbage. Vermicomposting is a naturally happening bio-oxidative decomposition process that takes place in mesophilic surroundings and is further facilitated for one biochemical activity of microorganisms.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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