Morpho-metric Analysis of Leaf and Fruit of Selected Mulberry Accessions: A Preliminary Measure for
Morus spp. exhibits off-course variation in leaf language rules among various variety and accessions within the alike species. Some of the main silent semantic characteristics concern mulberry leaf and product have happened selected for the current study. Among all the ten picked genotypes ovate leaf shape was written to be ultimate common one. Maximum leaf size of leaf was written as long as of genotype S-1635 as 187cm and minimum in case of Kanva-2 as 28cm. Most of the genotypes were written with jagged to parted borders except C-4 with broken margin and smooth leaf makeup accompanying exceptions of rude leaf in C-4, Chinese white and C-2038. Two most average types of leaf apex have happened recorded as acuminate and severe with cordate, having three angles and shorten leaf base. Maximum leaf length was written in S-1635 as 17 cm followed by Chakmajra as 15 cm and S-13 as 14 cm and 7 cm was written in C-4 and Kanva-2 and maximum in S-1635 as 11cm followed by S-13 and chakmajra as 8 cm and slightest in G-4 and Kanva-2 as 4 cm. Similarly maximum actual leaf extent was recorded in genotype S-1635 as 71 cm2 and minimum in genotype C-2038 as 19.5 cm2. Fresh and dry burden of the leaf was written to be maximum in S-1635 as 11.4 g and minimum in Kanva-2 as 3.5 g and V-1 as 5.2 g individually. In addition to fresh and dry leaf burden, moisture portion and moisture memory volume was recorded expected maximum of 72.4% in C-4 and minimum of 54.26% in S-1635 and maximum moisture memory capacity of 64% was written for G-4 genotype and minimum of 50% in C-2038. Maximum stomatal frequency was noticed to be maximal of 156 mm2 was written in S-1635 and least in Chinese silver as 84 mm2 and stomatal index of 16% in V-1 and least in genotype S-13 as 11.1% and Cystolyth commonness was observed expected highest S-13 as 52% and minimum in genotype C-2038 as 24%. Thus, the current study maybe used by plant breeders for hereditary description and evaluation of various genotypes.
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