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Multiple Linear Regression Approach for Strategic Decisions on Industrial Productivity under ..

In industrial environments, proper preparation and increased efficiency are highly desired to maximise available resources when resources are scarce and to manage unnecessary expenditure when resources are plentiful. Good levels of Materials, Time, and Labor inputs are needed to achieve productivity, which must be calculated scientifically in order to sustain long-term profit.

Using Olam Cocoa Processing Industry, Nigeria as a case study, this study investigateddata processing and incorporated Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) to find the relationship and predict the response of the available budget with the inputs of Materials, Time, and Labor.The studies were carried out using a Multiple Linear Regression Model constructed (i.e. ), and it was discovered that the inputs of the selected strategic decisions collectively influenced the response of the available budget with an F-value of 88.48, but that none of them could reduce or increase the amount of budget, with the exception of manpower, which has a 0.069 or 93.1 percent significant impact on the available budget. Furthermore, with a value of 0.974, the coefficient of determination provided a good fit of the relationship between strategic decisions and available budget (or 97.4 percent ).To maximise company effectiveness, it is suggested that the project manager subject his decision-making to scientific measures rather than brainstorming.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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