Multiple Linear Regression Approach for Strategic Decisions on Industrial Productivity under Limited
In industrial settings, proper planning and increased efficiency are greatly desired to utilise available resources when resources are limited and to control excessive expenditure when resources are plentiful. Good levels of Materials, Time, and Labor inputs are required to achieve productivity, which must be assessed scientifically in order to preserve long-term profit. Using Olam Cocoa Processing Industry, Nigeria as a case study, this study investigated data processing and included Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) to find the link and anticipate the response of the available budget with the inputs of Materials, Time, and Labor.The analyses were done using Multiple Linear Regression Model developed (i.e. ), it was discovered that the inputs of the selected strategic decisions collectively affected the response of the available budget with F-value of 88.48 but each of them cannot reduce or increase the amount of budget except for manpower which has 0.069 or 93.1 % significant effect on the available budget. Also, Coefficient of determination established a strong fitness of the relationship between the strategic decisions and the available budget with the value of 0.974 (or 97.4 %). It is recommended that the project manager should subject his decisions making into scientific measures rather than brainstorming so as to increase productivity in the company.
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