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Novel Corona Virus (nCOVID-19; India): Chain Reaction Disease (CRD); Precaution-Prevention, Treatmen

Corona virus-2 (nCOVID-19), causes respiratory infection including cold, fever, sneezing and coughing, pneumonia, headache, diarrhea and upper respiratory diseases. It transmitted human to human via airborne droplets. Corona virus enters in human cell through membrane ACE-2 exopeptidase receptor. Corona virus (CV) previously it treated as non-fatal virus (NFV), HCoV-NH, SARS and MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV. It was first isolated from Wuhan market China at December 2019, in world thus its name nCOVID-19. It is a Chain Reaction Disease (CRD) because of tremendously spread through contact human to human. WHO and ECDC advised to avoid public place - social distance and close contact (person-person) to infected persons, airborne droplet through sneezing and coughing. Some precautions, preventions and treatment of formerly synthesized anti-malarial, anti-biotic and anti-inflammatory etc drug used on novel corona virus disease.


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