Nutrient Status of Soil and Farm Yard Manure (FYM) under Different Agro-Climatic Regions of Maharash
Aim: To gain maximum crop result from a unit region, soil health is individual of the major components. It is persistent based on the digestive availability and additional parameters like pH, EC, basic carbon, etc. The reports on soil nutrients help growers in fertilizer use to optimize the yields. The principles of these parameters change from region, soil type, agro-climatic zones, crop, etc. To assert soil fertility use of organic beginning of fertilizer to a degree, FYM plays an important role. It is not only a good beginning of nutrients but too increases water-holding ability, soil organic matter, soil tangible properties, etc. The study was attended with an objective to assess fiber status of soil and FYM from differing agro-climatic domains of Maharashtra. Methodology: Maharashtra state is divided into nine various agro-climatic regions. The study was administered to understand the domain-wise instability in the nutritional arrangement of both soil and FYM in Maharashtra during the period 2020-21. Samples of soils and dried FYM were calm from farmer’s fields from five agro-climatic domains of Maharashtra i.e., Western Maharashtra, Northern Maharashtra, Marathwada, Vidharbha, and Konkan. The samples were resolved for various parameters at BAL-Chemical workshop, BAIF Central Research Station, Urulikanchan.Results: The analysis reports of soil samples told that soils of the Western Maharashtra region presented maximum values for N, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn when in fact, soil samples from the Vidharbha region were bearing high values for P and K content as distinguished to other domains. The soil samples from the Konkan region granted low vitamins availability than other domains. The soil pH of different agro-important regions categorized from 6.3 to 9.0. Similarly, FYM samples of the Western Maharashtra region displayed maximum values for N, P, K, Fe, Mn, and Zn content whereas, samples of the Marathwada domain were comparatively depressed in all minerals and organic element content. PCA biplot of macro and micro items of soil and FYM nutrients disclosed geographical/dimensional structuring established nutrient content.
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