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Orientation and Frequency Analysis of Topographic Lineaments in the Miringa Volcanic Zone of the...

The aim of this research is to investigate the topographic lineaments of tectonic origin in the Miringa Volcanic Zone, which is located in the Biu Plateau's northwestern corner. To accomplish this, SRTM with a spatial resolution of 12.5 m was used. PCI GEOMARTICA software version 10 was used to remove the lineaments automatically. Land work for ground thrutting and establishing field partnerships followed. The Rossace used in lineament trend analysis and other related statistical variables associated with the lineaments of the study area was created using the ArcGis 10.5 software update, while the Rossace used in lineament trend analysis and other related statistical variables were created using Rockworks version 16. A total of 2036 linear structures with a total length of 30,193.85 metres were discovered in the field. The longest lineament reported in the study area is 150 metres, while the shortest is 3.68 metres. Most of the lineaments in the region formed as a result of the weathering of contacts between successive volcanic beds in areas overlain by highly dissected plateaus, escarpment slopes, and denudation hills, according to field work. The position of lineaments in the study region tends to lie in the north-east to southwest direction (Azimuth 45°-225°), which is the same direction as the main drainage system and most of the volcanoes in the area, according to trend analysis. This indicates the existence of a large fissure that runs north-east to south-west as the area's main tectonic structure. Following exogenic processes, this structure was manipulated, resulting in the creation of other micro-lineaments that trended in the same direction.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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