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Pattern of CD4 Count and Hematological Indices in HIV Serodiscordant Partners in Jos North Local Gov

This was a cross localized study designed to judge the cluster of distinction 4(CD4) count and hematological indices in HIV serodiscordant allies in Jos, Nigeria. A total of 20 Serodiscordant HIV couples (40 cases) and 20 non HIV couples (40 controls) aged 'tween 18 and 49 age were included in the study. Each partner supported a 5ml venous blood sample that was calm into EDTA cans for the analysis of the CD4 count and hematological indications. The following ancestry parameters were calculated utilizing a three pack full blood count autoanalyzer: cells that eat bacteria and fungi (WBC), red blood cell (RBC), hematocrit/full container volume (HCT/PCV), red body fluid (HB), platelet count (PLT), lymphocyte, neutrophil, and assorted cell (NUE/NAC) count. The CD4+-T container was calculated using flow cytometry. The results displayed that the mean RBC count, platelet count, assorted cell count (Nue/Nac), HCT/PCV and HB levels, in addition to the CD4-T container count, were all significantly lower while the mean age was taller in the HIV serodiscordant test group distinguished to control group (p<0.05) respectively. The mean neutrophil, lymphocyte, and WBC counts in the HIV serodiscordant test group acted not statistically differ from those in the control group (p>0.05). The HB, HCT/PCV, RBC, lymphocyte, and CD4 counts in the female HIV serodiscordant test group were statistically considerably inferior those in the female control group (p-value=0.008; 0.002; 0.000, 0.008, 0.000), individually. The male HIV serodiscordant test group had statistically considerably lower mean neutrophil and CD4 counts than in the male control (p-value=0.000; 0.012) individually. The female HIV seropositives had a statistically considerably lower mean RBC count, Hb, PCV, and CD4 count (p-value =0.000; 0.037, 0.005 and 0.000) than in female control individually. Also, the female HIV unprotected seronegatives had statistically significantly lower mean CD4 count (p-profit =0.000) and Hb (p-profit =0.037) levels than in female control while the male HIV seropositives had statistically significantly lower CD4 count distinguished to male control (p-profit =0.000). This study has revealed meaningful changes in CD4-T container count and hematological indices in HIV serodiscordant couples, that calls for an important interventional action to prevent the potential emptiness, leucocytopenia, and injured immunity that can influence both HIV seropositives and seronegative unprotected couples.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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