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Perceptions of Competency-Based Teaching and Learning by Teachers and Students of Secondary Scho...

The effective implementation of any syllabus partly depends on the instructional methods and evaluation strategies used. The revised secondary school syllabuses in Cameroon are based on the competence approach, with entry through real life situations. The objective is to enable learners develop a number of competences for successful interaction within the school milieu and the society in general and to enable learners make a smooth transition from school to the world of work. This study therefore, examines the history syllabus in order to determine how teaching and assessment methods used in its implementation contribute to the development of the stipulated student competences. The case study design was used to carry out the study. The study population consisted of students and teachers of Balingual Grammar School Molyko Buea. 210 Form Five History students and 3 teachers of the same class made up the sample. The sample school was selected using the convenience sampling technique while the sample for students and teachers was selected using the purposive sampling procedure. A focused group discussion and classroom observation schedules were used to collect data. The focused group discussion data were analyzed using thematic analysis, and the observation data were analyzed by simply counting the number of classes where a particular toll was used. The findings revealed that the prescribed learner-centred teaching methods were only partially used, but effectively used in these instances. Therefore the use of teaching methods did not significantly influence learners’ development of competences. Findings from teachers, students and observation were conclusive that evaluation methods were very effective in enabling leaners develop the required competences. Based on the findings, it was recommended that policy makers multiply opportunities for teacher’s professional development to improve on the quality of teaching and enable learners acquire the expected learning outcomes.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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