Performance of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) based Intercropping System in kharif under Different Row
An Agronomic analysis entitled “Performance of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Based intercropping order in kharif under different row rate” was carried out at Agriculture College Farm, Nagpur all along kharif 2017-18. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with nine situations as T1- Sole sesame, T2 - Sole green gram, T3 - Sole dirty gram, T4 - Sesame : Green grandam in 1:1 row ratio, T5 - Sesame : Green grandam in 2:1 row ratio, T6 - Sesame : Green grandam in 3:1 row ratio, T7 - Sesame : Black grandam in 1:1 row ratio, T8 - Sesame : Black grandam in 2:1 row ratio and T9 - Sesame : Black grandam in 3:1 row ratio and were replicated thrice. The results of the study designated that, among all situations, sole sesame (T1) written highest source yield, straw yield and organic yield. Among the intercropping treatments, sesame accompanying black grandam in 1:1 row ratio written higher seed yield, hay yield and biological yield. Intercropping of sesame: hopeless gram in 1:1 row percentage (T7) recorded the bigger GMR (₹ 87563 ha-1), NMR (₹ 62060 ha-1), B:C ratio (3.43).
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