Precision Farming Development Centre Hyderabad: The Boon for Local Farmers | Asian Journal of .....
Precision farming, also known as Site-Specific Crop Management (SSCM), farming by-the-foot, farming soils rather than fields, prescription farming, environmentally sustainable farming, and information-based crop production, is the technique of applying the right amount of input (fertiliser, pesticide, water, etc.) at the right place at the right time to increase production, decrease input, and/or protect the environment. As a result, precision farming is an attractive idea, and its concepts inevitably lead to the assumption that farming inputs can be used more efficiently, resulting in increased income and less environmentally damaging production. Today's precision farming advancements may provide the technology for tomorrow's environmentally friendly agriculture. Precision farming holds the promise of significant yield improvement with minimal external input usage, particularly for small farmers in developing countries like India. Precision Farming Development Centre (PFDC), Hyderabad, Telangana, India, plays an important role in Precision farming by reaching out to local farmers and teaching them how to use precision farming techniques. Local farmers are attracted to PFDC Hyderabad by custom-made annual action plans that involve both study and extension. This case study demonstrates how PFDC Hyderabad improves local farmers' financial and social status by introducing them to Precision Farming.