Production Orientation of KVK Adopted Farmers: The Socio-Ecological Estimation and Interpretation ..
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra was founded to provide training to various stakeholders in the farming community as a form of technology distribution. With the passage of time, this grass-roots institution has undergone a significant transformation, beginning with technology generation, testing, and verification, and ultimately transmission to end users for the purpose of increasing productivity in particular and overall socio-economic development of rural people in general through its mandated programmes. The study included ten independent variables and one dependent variable, which was the production orientation (y). The study employed both purposeful and basic random procedures. Only 22 adopted KVK farmers from the specified villages were randomly picked, with an additional 22 non-adopted farmers, for a total of 44 farmers randomly selected for the study. The findings revealed that farmers must decide whether to accept improved and newer technology, and scientific orientation is defined as the degree to which respondents can orient to the application of scientific procedures in relation to adoption behaviour. It's a crucial psychological aspect in making a decision. It is stated that people with a progressive mindset would always try to participate in all activities that will increase their annual income, and education will play a critical role in the adoption process. The importance of training in KVK progress cannot be overstated. In the last stage of the stepwise regression analysis, it was discovered that family mechanisation had a functional impact on production orientation. Mechanization in the home influences the adoption of new technologies, which boosts farm output. As a result, KVK is clearly an ICAR institutional project demonstrating the use of scientific and technology input from agricultural research and education in the field of farmers in rural areas.
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