Productive and Economic Evaluation of Potato Hybrids under Different Water Stress Conditions
As the shortage of water increases, India will face the problem of deteriorating annual freshwater use per capita. Drought can cause meaningful product losses, specifically for crops with unintelligent root system like vegetable (Solanum tuberosum). An experiment was completed activity to measure the effects of various levels of irrigation on yield limits of different vegetable hybrids under water stress environments all the while the winter season 2018-19 in open field environments at the field of department of salad science in CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. The experiment contained four watering levels I1 (irrigation at 20mm Cummulative Pan Evaporimeter (CPE)), I2 (irigation at 25mm CPE), I3 (watering at 30mm CPE) and I4 (irrigation at 30mm CPE + 5 t/ha lawn mulch) and five vegetable hybrids under two various crops at 60 and 75 days. The results revealed that yield limits i.e., total vegetable yield, number of tubers in each grade, yield of tubers in each grade, harvest index, and biological yield were greater in both 60 and 75 days of crops under watering level 20 mm CPE (I1) and composite P-38. But, under water-accentuated conditions, mixture P-38 with an I4 schedule saves individual watering and yields more than I3. The maximum water use adeptness (19.27 and 20.56 q/ha/mm) was attained accompanying irrigation level I4 in 60 and 75 days of crop. In water stress environments (I4) potato composite P-38 presented the highest net returns and benefit cost percentage (1.49 and 2.29). It was found that the vegetable hybrid P-38 accompanying I4 was more economical and produced more tubers in districts with lower water tables and less water.
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