Profile Characteristics of the Dairy Women SHG Members under “Shri Kshethra Dharmasthala Rural .....
Using a “ex-post facto” research design, the current study assessed the profile characteristics of dairy women SHG members in the rural districts of Kolar and Bengaluru in Karnataka during 2017–18. A sample of 120 respondents was chosen, and data was collected from them through personal interviews using a standardised interview schedule that had been pre-tested. The majority of respondents in the socio-personal profile of women SHG members were young, with a small family size, a secondary level of education, a high level of experience in SHG, more than half not attending any training, and the majority of respondents working in Dairy + Agriculture & Allied Activities. Small farmers with a small herd size, medium milk production, selling milk to dairy cooperatives, and low annual income dominated the socio-economic profile, followed by household milk consumption and milk marketing. The majority of the women SHG members sought information from a veterinarian, Extension staff, KMF officials, and SKDRDP officials as formal sources of contact and information. In terms of informal means of contact, the majority of women contacted family members on a daily basis, accompanied by relatives, acquaintances, and neighbours. Finally, when it came to mass media contact, the majority of the respondents said they watched television, went to shows, read farm magazines, and used social media on a regular basis.