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Relationship between Soil Fertility Indices under Coffee and Cocoa Fallows in Daloa, Côte d'Ivoire

In the area of Daloa in Côte d'Ivoire, many coffee and dark plantations that have disgraced into decline and been abandoned fallow are while being restored by their former or new consumers. In order to prevent the deterioration of the planned new crops, this study was begun to determine by what method the soils under these fallows function, which is essential for expanding sustainable administration strategies for bureaucracy. Thus, seven fallows older than ten age were labeled. In each of them, a 10,000 m2 plot was demarcated and three soil pits were set up. In individual pit, three soil samples were taken. After reasoning of these samples in the laboratory, equivalences and balances between sure physico-chemical soil parts were calculated. The results show that natural resources contributes in few places to the establishment of the CEC (r ˃ 0.70) and thus participates in the soil's function as a accumulation of nutrients. On the other hand, when the soils are leached, the natural resources binds to the sand staying in the profile and, by way of its rude particles, it scarcely contributes to the establishment of the CEC (r = -0.70). However, whatever the case, the establishment balances middle from two points the soil nutrients are everywhere favourable due to the long period of time of the fallows (Ca/Mg close to 2 while K/Mg, (Ca+K)/Mg and C/N different from 0.10 to 0.50, 15 to 30 and 9 to 12, respectively). Pending concern of the functioning of the biological component of the soils intentional, organic matter performs to be ultimate deciding factor in their overall functioning.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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