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Reliability of Facial Measurements in Determination of Occlusal Vertical Dimension: A Cross-.....

Background: Over time, the dental profession has come to embrace the notion that facial measurements play an important role in determining the Vertical Dimension of Occlusion and tooth arrangement. However, no research has been conducted to effectively verify the results. As a result, the aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of facial measurements and their role in determining the vertical dimension for edentulous patients.

Methods: A total of 2000 patients were chosen and divided into four classes. To preserve study standardisation, three digital images of each person's face were taken at a similar distance and with a light backdrop. The images were transferred to a computer and enlarged to normal life size using professional graphic software. On both the left and right sides of the face, measurements were taken. The relationship between facial measurements and the chin–nose distance was investigated using statistical analysis.

Results: Chin-nose distance = 4.14 + 0.343 eye-ear distance left side predicts vertical dimension for Maratha males, Chin-nose distance = 2.04 + 0.581 eye-ear distance right side predicts vertical dimension for Maratha females, Chin-nose distance = 2.48 + 0.541 eye-ear distances right side predicts vertical dimension for rest of India males, Chin-nose distance = 2.48 + 0.541 eye-ear distances right side predicts In women from the rest of India, none of the distances seem to accurately predict chin-nose distance.

Conclusions: In Maratha males, the eye-ear gap on the left side proved to be the best predictor of chin-nose distance. In Maratha females, the eye-ear distance on the right side proved to be the best predictor of chin-nose distance. Eye-ear distance right side proved to be the best predictor for chin-nose distance in rest of India males. In women from the rest of India, none of the distances seem to accurately predict chin-nose distance.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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