Resource Development and Market Value for Non-wood Forest Products of the Banyang-Mbo Sanctuary of N
The study opens with an overview of Nguti's Banyang-Mbo Sanctuary (BMS), including its demographics and geographic distribution. Following that, we want to identify and assess non-timber forest products, which include plants, animals, birds, and marine species.
With the aid of write-ups from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Cameroon, the spatial distribution of these products, vis-à-vis their proximity to surrounded villages is presented. Effort is equally made to know the activities of the villages and other environmental factors that affect the growth and existence of these products. Three objectives and three hypotheses were formulated to give direction to the study. Convenient and purposive sampling techniques were used in the study with the help of questionnaires for data gathering. The population of the study comprised 141 households in Nguti vicinity and a sample size of 105 respondents obtained with the use of Yaro Yamen’s formula. The statistical tools used for data analysis were frequency, mean and tables of percentages to organize the data collected. Three experts validated the device, and reliability was demonstrated by a coefficient. According to the report, education on the development of non-wood forest resources should be realistic, and existing markets should be maintained while new markets for final product sales are explored.
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