Response of Maize to Different Levels of Zeolite and Nitrogen and Evaluation of Soil Chemical ......
During the kharif of 2018-19, a pot study was done in the College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, PJTSAU, Hyderabad, with the goal of evaluating maize responsiveness to varied levels of zeolite and nitrogen, as well as the influence of zeolite on specific soil parameters. The treatments were duplicated thrice in a factorial totally randomised design and included combinations of three levels of nitrogen (100, 150, 200 kg ha-1) and four levels of zeolite (0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 t ha-1) as well as a control in which just P and K were administered. The results showed that zeolite (7.5 t ha-1) and nitrogen (200 kg ha-1) application had a substantial effect on N, P, and K content in maize at 30, 60, and 90 DAS, as well as at harvest. The content of N and P in maize was significantly greater in N200Z7.5 (Nitrogen @ 200 kg ha-1 + Zeolite @ 7.5 t ha-1), but there was no significant interaction with K content. The available P and K in the N100Z7.5 treatment were substantially higher at harvest.
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