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Review on Jatropha tanjorensis (Hospital too far); Significance as an Anti-Anaemia Plant | Internati

Anaemia is a blood condition caused by a drop in haemoglobin (Hb) concentration or red blood cell counts (RBC), resulting in a loss of physiological potentials. An imbalance between erythrocyte loss and production occurs as a result of inadequate or defective erythropoisis, nutritional inadequacy, inflammation, or hereditary haemoglobin (Hb) abnormality, and or excessive loss of erythrocytes owing to hemolysis, blood loss, or both. At the age of one year, an estimated 30-80% of preschool-aged children suffer from anaemia. Anaemia imposes deleterious consequences such as stunted physical and cognitive development, impaired language coordination and motor skill equivalent to a 5-10 points deficit in intelligent quotient (IQ). Anaemia in pregnancy translates to decreased productivity through energy loss and consequent lack of working capacity and consequent declination in household food security and income. Long before now, many plants had been used successfully to address anaemia locally, one of which is Jatropha tanjorensis dubbed “Hospital too far” a name it acquired as a result of its unverified perceived exceptional anti-anaemic property. Therefore, this review aims at evaluating the veracity of the impression on Jatropha tanjorensis as an exceptional anti-anaemic plant using data derived from studies on anti-anaemic plants.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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