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Screening of NCLB Disease and QTLs Mapping in Zea mays

Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) is a foliar ailment, caused by a fungal bacterium (Setosphaeria turcica) that damages maize crop due to heavy deficits in every year. A study was attended for NCLB and identified quantitative characteristic loci (QTLs) in maize. Mapping culture F2:3 families was developed including two inbreds viz CM 212 (exposed) & CM 145 (resistant).The F2:3 classifications mapping population was judged in two environments (BHU, Varanasi and Nagenahalli, Mandya) for opposition to NCLB. In the polymorphic survey about 360 pairs of simple series repeat (SSR) primer secondhand between two persons (CM 212 & CM 145)and identified 54 polymorphic gravestones. Data was recorded for affliction severity traits namely Percent Disease Index (PDI), Area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) based on PDI, Lesion Area, AUDPC established lesion area in QTL Mapping. The QTLs were labeled interestingly, on 4th chromosome namely: 4.03/4.05, 4.08/4.1, 4/4.07 and 4.08/4.1 from observed ailment severity in both atmospheres. The initially two QTLs (QTL-1 & QTL-2) discovered with trait Percent Disease Index and added two (QTL 3 & QTL 4) detected accompanying AUDPC based on PDI.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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