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Socio-Ecological Correlates of Attitude towards KVK Functioning: A Multivariate Analytical Approach

Krishi Vigyan Kendra was established initially to impart training to the different stakeholders of the farming community as a method of technology delivery system. As the time passed by this grass root institution has undergone a tremendous change, starting from technology generation, testing, verification and ultimately onwards transmission to the end users for the enhancement of the productivity in particular and for the overall socio- economic development of the rural people in general with its mandated programmes.The work was conducted with 10 independent variables and one dependent variables- Attitude towards KVK activities (y).Purposive as well as simple random techniques were adopted for the study. For selection of state & district purposive sampling techniques and for block & villages simple random technique were employed for selection of respondents. Among 50 adopted KVK farmers of the selected villages only 22 adopted farmers have been randomly selected and more 22 non adopted farmers and thus altogether 44 farmers have been randomly selected for the study. Analyzing the data using the statistical tools range, mean, coefficient of variation, coefficient of correlation, regression analysis, path analysis, factor analysis, canonical discriminate (Unstandardized) Function results were obtained. So it is clear that KVK is an institutional project of ICAR to demonstrate the application of science and technology input of agricultural research and education in the farmers field in the rural areas and today KVK stands as a bridge between the research laboratories and application of modern agricultural science in rural India through the technology the development and delivery system.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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