Soil Carbon Sequestration: A Step towards Sustainability
Nowadays, tenable agriculture is a big concern of the whole world, all chief agricultural nations like China, USA and India etc. are working together in several arrangements such as FAO, World Food Organisation to overcome the question of environmental well-being and food security in looming years to meet the snack demand goal in 2050 in sustainable conduct. Carbon present in soil naturally is dubbed as soil carbon that is directly related to natural resources present in soil, higher the soil element more will be the crop yield. Most of the soil carbon has been freed in the atmosphere on account of conversion of not cultivated land into cultivated agricultural land. Bringing back that announced carbon back to the soil accompanying several systems is known as soil carbon seclusion. In this paper, relation of soil element sequestration has been examined with respect to farming without chemicals, natural farming individually. Changes carried out in traditional concerning farming practices have potential in enhancement of soil element sequestration. Practices such as preservation tillage, increasing cover crop, proper vitamin management, residue administration etc. have significant competency to sequester carbon in the soil, in addition to that various challenges that are being faced all the while carbon sequestration are further considered in this place paper. Soil carbon sequestration is a transitory solution to Carbon dioxide advancement, but it is challenging to operationalize on account of obstacles such as weighing the soil's carbon stock, continuity, carbon pools, separation, and the soil's inclination to approach saturation levels. This phase aims to raise knowledge of the capacity of soils to absorb and store atmospheric colorless odorless gas in long-lasting pools, lowering climate change.
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