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Soil Fertility Status in Relation to Fallow Cycle in Shifting Cultivated Areas of DIMA HASAO

Aim: To believe the effect of fallow phase on soil fertility rank under shifting education.Study Design: Latin square design (LSD).Place and Duration of Study: Dima Hasao District, Assam. Between September 2019- August 2021.Methodology: The present investigation was transported to study the effect of jhum inactive cycle on soil characteristics in the DIMA HASAO district of Assam. Total of 120 geo-assign to source soil samples were collected from short jhum (1-3yrs.) inactive cycle, medium jhum (4-6yrs.) inactive cycle, long jhum (7-9 yrs.) inactive cycle and unruffled soil. The collected soil samples were resolved for limits like pH, OC, N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, CEC and soil texture.Results: The intentional soil samples showed expansive variations in consistency varying from ammophilous loam to earth loam. Coarse composition sand was erect expected dominant concisely jhum and medium jhum while finer pieces (silt and earth) were dominant in the long jhum and the untouched soil. The Soil pH was found shortest (mean value 4.55) concisely jhum and highest (mean worth 5.00) in the untouched soil. The OC content was minimum at initial short jhum inactive cycle and maximum was noticed in the Undisturbed soil. The CEC of the study area was establish highest in unruffled soil (mean value 8.64 cmol (p+) kg-1) attended by long jhum, medium jhum and short jhum. The Avl. N content of the study area was erect low to medium. Among the jhum inactive phase Avl. N of short jhum was lowest (mean profit 269.30kgha-1) followed by medium jhum, long jhum and topmost in undisturbed soil (mean advantage 350.11 kgha-1). The Avl. P content of the study area was raise low to medium, maximal mean value 12.61 kg ha-1 was noticed in long jhum fallow phase and shortest in short jhum (mean advantage 9.33 kgha-1). The highest content of Avl. S was noticed in long jhum fallow phase and lowest in the short jhum. The topmost of Ex. Ca, Mg was found in the unruffled followed by long jhum, short jhum and shortest in the medium jhum. All the soil fertility limits that is, N, P, K, S, Ca and Mg exhibited meaningful positive equivalence with pH, OC, CEC, and allotment Clay.Conclusion: From the study it was observed that minimum of 7 to 10 age jhum fallow phase is required in Dima Hasao are for the soil to fix its virility and tenable jhum cultivation.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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