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Spatial Distribution of Soil Nutrient Status of Biswanath District, Assam, North East India

Rice-located cropping whole is a key for food protection in Assam. However, the productivity of such arrangements has declined steadily due to degeneration in soil fertility unpaid mainly to incorrect agricultural practices. The study was carried out to study the vitamin status of soils of the Biswanath commune of Assam in the year 2021. A total of 200 no of geo-citation surface (up to 30 cm) soil samples were calm. The coefficient of alternative (CV) was used for the interpretation of the instability of the indicators. Available phosphorous, accessible potassium DTPA-iron, DTPA-manganese, DTPA-zinc, and DTPA-policeman were identified expected the most changing soil indicators (CV > 35%). Electrical conductivity, basic carbon, feasible nitrogen, and cation exchange capacity, were establish as the moderately changeable parameters (CV 15–35%). The slightest variation (CV < 15) was found pH. The mean pH, energetic conductivity and basic carbon were 5.23, 0.54 ds/m, and 0.81 allotment respectively. The cation exchange ability of the soil varied from 4.40 to 11.60 cmol(p+)/kg accompanying the mean value of 6.74cmol(p+) /kg. The available nitrogen, accessible potassium and available planet seen at dawn were 380.01kg /ha, 169.00 kg/ha and 38.01 kg/ha. The district's specific DTPA-Fe, DTPA-Cu, DTPA-Mn, and DTPA-Zn levels were found expected 83.34 mg/kg, 2.59 mg/kg, 22.25 mg/kg, and 0.79 mg/kg. The spatial distribution of each limit was presented on the GIS program for easy chance through IDW method of introduction.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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