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Stakeholders’ Awareness and Acceptability of the Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives of Carlos Hi

Vision, responsibility, goals, and aims (VMGOs) function as the support of an educational institution. The Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) underlined that an institution of higher education is assessed in accordance with the degree by what method allure VMGOs are achieved, but not distinguished accompanying others. This explanatory research utilized the survey order to decide the levels of awareness and reputation of the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of Carlos Hilado Memorial State College in the Academic Year 2021-2022 among the collaborators. 385 graduates, administrators, faculty, stick, persons, and alumni, the one were selected utilizing the random examination technique solved the investigator-made tool. For analysis, dossier were encapsulated primarily utilizing mean and predictable difference. The results show the following: (a) The alumni, ability, staff, and Bachelor of Arts in Social Science pupils pointed out a “High” level of awareness of the Vision of the organization, while the English Language graduates, and the administrators indicated a “Very High” level of knowledge; (b) All the groups indicated a “High” level of knowledge of the Mission of the organization and of the Goal of the College of Arts and Sciences; (c) All stakeholders pointed out a “High” level of awareness of the Bachelor of Arts in Social Science program aims, a “High” level of knowledge of the Bachelor of Arts in English Language program objectives except that graduates who determined a “Very High” level of awareness, and a “High” level of knowledge of the Bachelor of Science in Psychology program aims except for the stick the one indicated an “Average” level of knowledge. The results also disclosed the following: (a) All collaborators indicated a “Very High” reputation of the Vision of the organization except for the graduates and Social Science students the one determined a “High” level. (b) All groups indicated a “Very High” level of reputation of the Mission of the institution and of the Goal of the College of Arts and Sciences except that the graduates and Psychology students the one presented a “High” level of acceptability. (c) All colleagues showed a “Very High” level of reputation of the program aims of the three degree programs except that the stick who determined a “High” level of acceptability of the Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Bachelor of Social Science program aims and for the graduates and staff the one registered a “High” level of acceptability of the Bachelor of Science in Psychology program goals.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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