Studies on Physico-chemical and Organoleptic Properties and Economic Analysis of Guava-sapota (Psidi
The current experiment was performed at the Department of Horticulture's Post Harvest Laboratory, SHUATS, Prayagrajjjjj, between April 2019 and July 2019. (India). In Fully Randomized Design (CRD), the experiment was performed, with eleven treatments and three replications. The treatments were T0 (100 percent guava pulp (Control)), T1 (90 percent guava pulp + 10 percent sapota pulp), T2 (80 percent guava pulp + 20 percent sapota pulp), T3 (70 percent guava pulp + 30 percent sapota pulp), T4 (60 percent guava pulp + 40 percent sapota pulp), T5 (50 percent guava pulp + 50 percent sapota pulp), T6 (40 percent guava pulp + 60 percent sapota pulp), T7 (30 percent Guava pulp + 70 percent Sapota Pulp), T8 (20 percent Guava pulp + 80 percent Sapota Pulp), T9 (10 percent Guava pulp + 90 percent Sapota Pulp) and T10 (90 percent Sapota Pulp) (Sapota Pulp 100 percent ). In order to improve the physico-chemical properties, organoleptic characteristics and shelf life of the commodity, the main objective of the research is to standardise the proportion of guava and sapota pulp for Guava-Sapota blended cheese within an affordable economic setting. The current investigation shows that treatment with T5 (Guava Pulp 50 percent + Sapota pulp 50 percent) was superior in terms of Total Soluble Solids (74.75 ° Brix) parameters. Acidity (0.40%), pH (5.27%), Ascorbic Acid (83.72 mg/100 g), Sugar Reduction (3.93%), Non-Reducing Sugar (5.75%) and Total Sugar (9.07 percent ). T5 was best characterised in terms of organoleptic properties such as Color and Appearance (8.52), Flavor and Taste (8.47), Texture (8.60) and Overall Acceptability (8.65). The highest net return (325.50/-) and Cost Benefit Ratio (1:2.08) were found in T5 (Guava Pulp 50 percent + Sapota pulp 50 percent) in terms of cost benefit ratio. Therefore, based on the parameters above, T5 was found to be superior.
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