Teacher –Students Relationship and Its Influence on Students’ Academic Performance in Senior Seconda
This study act the teacher –undergraduates’ relationship and allure influence on students’ academic acting in senior secondary schools in Sokoto state, Nigeria. The study was led by three research questions among is: To what extent does assistant-student connection significantly influence graduates’ academic performance in senior subordinate schools in Sokoto state, Nigeria and three null theories among is: There is no meaningful correlation betwixt teacher-graduate relationship and juniors’ academic performance in senior secondary schools in Sokoto state, Nigeria. The scientist adopted correlational research design for this study. This is cause it involves judgment the relationship middle from two points two or variables with the help of fundamental questionnaire as the tool for data group. A population of 10,418 composing 3,582 teachers and 6,836 pupils. A sample of 357 was selected using Research Advisors 2006. The self-planned instruments that was used to accumulate data from two together teacher and graduates include: Teacher –Students Relationship Descriptive Questionnaire (TSRDQ) and Students Academic Performance Test (SAPT). The lawfulness of the two means were ascertained apiece experts in in test and calculation for content and face validation. Reliability index of (TSRDQ) and (SAPT) were acquired using test re-test and Cronbach alpha recipe that yielded 0.83 and 0.75 individually. The data that were calm was analyzed utilizing simple enumerations of mean and standard deviation to answer research questions. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC) was used to test the ineffectual hypothesis individual and three while Multiple Regression Analysis was used to test hypothesis 2 at 0.05 beginning level. From the result among added findings, revealed that Effects of friendly relationship middle from two points students-coaches and students’ academic conduct were positively and meaningful because assistants found influential in maintaining scholar interest in the school. Based on the findings, it was decided by recommending that Both teachers and graduates should touch be active in education and learning and juniors should be visualized as an important part of the school room.
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