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Teachers’ Standpoint in Managing Noise Pollution in Basic Schools

Few studies have existed done with little to no consideration paid to by what method teachers perceive loud noises and their management in the school atmosphere in Ghana. This study sought to evaluate the awareness of fundamental school teachers on loud noises, the sources of cacophony they encounter on the school environments as well as their plans on how to control or survive such blasts. In order to evaluate the knowledge, causes, and control of noise pollution in the elementary schools, a set of questionnaires was used. Questionnaires were reviewed to confirm they were correctly enlarged and to ensure within consistency. The supervisors were randomly picked for the study. Descriptive statistics was bestowed as frequencies and percentages for categorical variables. Data analysed was bestowed in figures and tables. Control measures were reported. Female scholars (n=147) greater than the men (n=129) participated in the study. Majority of the accused (n=134, n=113) had taught for 0-5 age and fell within the age range of 30-39 age respectiviely. The teachers were informed about latest trends noise pollution accompanying key sources of blast from students’ ventures (65.2%) and vehicles (56.2%). Primarily, the supervisors asked for continuous instruction on noise pollution and allure many challenges. Basic school teachers acknowledge that noises are present on the school surroundings and require administration to make their work safe.

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