Tensile Characterization of Pre-harvest Treated Pineapple Leaf Fibre | Journal of Engineering Resear
The purpose of this study was to see how field practise affected the tensile characteristics of pineapple leaf fibre (PAFL). Calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2) was applied to pineapple leaves in the field at four different concentrations (0 mg/l, 100 mg/l, 200 mg/l, and 300 mg/l). All of the treatments were treated twice monthly for a total of five months via foliar application. After five months of treatment, the pineapple leaves were plucked and their fibre removed using the retting process. Furthermore, the PALF's cellulose content was tested using an approved method. Using ASTM International recognised techniques, the extracted fibre was tensile tested. The pre-harvested treatment had a substantial (p 0.5) effect on the tensile characteristics of the PALF, according to the results of the tensile test. As the treatment concentration grew from 0 mg/l to 300 mg/l, the tensile strength increased from 583.67 MPa to 880.83 MPa, and the Young's modulus increased from 23.77 GPa to 28.23 GPa. As the treatment concentration grew from 0 mg/l to 300 mg/l, the tensile elongation fell from 3.13 mm to 1.83 mm. In terms of cellulose content, the study found that as the treatment concentration was raised, the cellulose content of the fibre increased significantly (p0.05). The PAFL had a cellulose content of 63.6 percent at a concentration of 0 mg/l, which grew linearly to 77 percent at a concentration of 300 mg/l. These findings show that field experience significantly boosted PALF's potential in composites manufacturing and other industrial applications.
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