The ALS-IEC Theory and Its Effect on Persons Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus
The apparent problems among customers living with human immunodeficiency bacterium are insufficiency of HIV information about the impact it will lead into their lives and non-compliance to situation due to fear of disclosure. The need to improve information about the human immunodeficiency bacterium (HIV) through extensive health education and exemplary education posing may help customers living with HIV live with nobility and hope as children of God. The purpose of the study search out discover what substantive hypothesis can be used to find variables such as active engrossment in the society, growth change advocacy, life publicity and dignity, one finds being, sensitivity to individual’s knowledge needs, and accountability and assurance to be secure which led to the happening of “all loving support-facts, education, and counselling belief. A mixed method entrenched experimental design was secondhand in testing the theory through a double-blind approach that characterized the grounded investigated experiences of the participants. The approximate participants were 20 in representative survey group discussion and the quantitative partners were 30 college undergraduates living with HIV, 18-24 years traditional, male, Christian, and currently enrolled in a institution of higher education or university in the Davao domain excluding those who are gross and admitted to the emergency room. Pretest findings revealed that the players were moderately conversant about facts on HIV and moderately understood the course of treatment but after a order of tests (post-test after two weeks, afterwards one month, and subsequently two months), reported that they were completely informed about the facts on HIV and will rigidly adhere to the analysis. The pretest and post-test scores on the level of awareness and healing compliance showed important differences following in position or time a series of tests. Thus, the application of ALS-IEC hypothesis is effective between persons living with HIV in evaluating HIV awareness and drug devotion encompassing bio-insane-sexual-public-cultural-spiritual rules. Continued use of the personalized health appraisal will also offer a knowledge opportunity (information) through study (education) and nurse-brought counselling as extended care following in position or time HIV screening cautioning will address the immediate needs of clients.
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