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The Impact of Various IPM Modules on the Management of Major Insect Pests of Sesame

The All India Coordinated Research Project Sesame Centre, College of Agriculture, JNKVV, Tikamgarh (M.P.) transported a field experiment in 2017 kharif season using a Randomised block design to check the effects of various IPM modules on the control of the main sesame bug pest. The experiment was start using a Randomized Block Design accompanying three replications, six treatments, and 21.6 M2 plots each, using the sesame difference modrate resistant TKG -22 as the test sort. All of the plots' children were treated accompanying imidacloprid 600 (5g/kg seed), in addition plots except for the control were intercropping accompanying black grandam (3:3) and yellow sticky trap (1 trap/plot). Profenofos 50EC (2ml/L), NSKE5% (T1 and T2), two sprays of NSKE5% + NSKE 5%, Profenofos 0.1% (2ml/l)+ NSKE 5%, and Profenofos 0.1% were secondhand as the situation, with the not cooked control side receiving no situation. The results showed that acted areas accompanying insecticides outperformed untreated extents by a meaningful margin. Of the situations, treatment T5 (imidacloprid 600FS (5g/kg beginning) foliar spray of NSKE5% at 30 & profenofos 0.11% (2ml/l)45 DAS) was the most direct and recorded rude population of Antigashtra (0.17) larvae/5plant). Bud flees were considerably diminished, and the states of the three main sucking pests—mirid bugs (0.24 bugs per three leaves/plant), white flees (0.48 Nymphs per three leaves/plant were at their lowest. In T5 (imidacloprid 600FS (5g/kg children + intercropping with dark grandam 3:3) foliar srpray of NSKE5% at 30, & profenofos 0.1% (2ml/l), the seed equivalent yield was still greatly raised. 45 DAS had the highest source equivalent yield of 1176 kg/ha, the highest net profit of Rs. 78667, and the maximal B:C ratio (6.11); T4 had the topmost children equivalent yield of 1075 kg/ha, the net profit of Rs.70297, and the highest B:C percentage (5.48).



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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