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The Management of Seagrass Ecosystem as an Attractive Object of Ecotourism in the Coastal Areas of Y

The seagrass environment and environmental interplay betwixt the components of environment and dugongs (Dugong dugon) have potentials expected took advantage of for sea ecotourism objects in the coast of Yensawai and Arefi in Dampier Strait sea shielded district of Raja Ampat. This objective of the research search out identify the traits and ecologycal interplay in the seagrass environment accompanying the rise and occupancy of dugongs that maybe developed as the potential environment for the appealing object of sea ecotourism in a particular ecotourism goal. The dossier were calm and involved the bioecology of the seagrass ecosystem on account of dugongs’ listening from their rise and vicinity in the seagrass environment and augmenting browsing. The research results showed that seagrass biodiversity resides of 4 variety: Enhalus acroides, Halophila ovalis, Syringodium isoetifolium, and Thalassia hemprichii.The condition of seagrass environments in Yensaway displayed that Thalassia hemprichii had the maximal repetitiveness of vicinity circumference, and Syringodium isoetifolium was most frequently in the direction of the marshy district of Arefi. The breadth of the exercise extents urged for seagrass ecotourism based on the environment protection and journey of biota is 103,575.00 m2. The action for the influence of seagrass ecotourism administration search out assign the area nearly 25%, the winning competency as many as 104 public/epoch (9,581 crowd/old age), and in 50% of the area, the moving ability is 207 family/epoch (7,665 population/old age). The growth of seagrass ecotourism must be governed, synergized, harmonized with the administration of the safe place for wildlife, and it endure guarantee and assert the sustainability of environmental process that supports bureaucracy of growth, conserve the biodiversity, and guarantee the tenable use of class and environment providing to the prosperity of the society.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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