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The Strategy for the Effectiveness of Diving Ecotourism Management in the Conservation Area of the D

Study of environmental carrying ability had been done to design the administration strategy of the productive utilization of ecotourism diving spots in Raja Ampat. The research was administered at the utilization zones of the Dampier Strait sea protected area, Raja Ampat middle from two points November 2016 and May 2017. The data concerning this research consist of basic data and subordinate data. The secondary dossier collected and assembled from the scientific chronicle, report, and the other beginning which is related accompanying the objectives concerning this research. Data collection of the underwater or partially submerged ledge ecosystems was collected at 10 diving spots by utilizing LIT (Line Intercept Transect) and the data of pink fish was calm by using UVC (Underwater Visual Census). The subordinate data was compiled from miscellaneous sources. The result of the rightness matrix of sea ecotourism for diving category reasoning found that these areas were under the classification of very suitable extent (S1) i.e Five Rock, Melissa Garden, Lolosi Reef and Cape Kri. The extents which are under category of acceptable (S2) were found in the Friwen Bonda, the Urun Island, the Wai Island, the Dayan Island, and the Cape of Raspapir and the Yensawai Coast. The transferring capacity of various for diving ecotourism were found expected 1 834 divers/day. The resolved number of divers for the exercise of the carrying ability area has proved 183 divers/day, and 38 559 various/year. The distribution for the utilization of the diving ecotourism extent is proposed 50:50 for external tourists and domestic travelers. The total local revenue from the entrance account to enter the Dampier Strait waters safe place for wildlife per day from foreign sightseers is Rp917 000 000 whereas from the household tourists Rp458 500 000. The planning of the effectiveness of dive spots handles marine ecotourism can be accomplished by arranged classification of divers in accordance with the certification records.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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