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Tomato and Brinjal Germplasm Screening and Rootstock Identification for Fusarium Wilt Resistance

Fusarium oxysporum is a hurtful disease of attractive woman (Solanum lycopersicum L.) that causes large yield deficits in fields and commercial greenhouses, meaning the need for disease opposition research. The current study was conducted in Rabi - 2021 at the Postgraduate Research Block, Department of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture, Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. In the study, 25 genotypes of tomato and brinjal were intentional for Fusarium wilt opposition at morphological level. Scoring of Fusarium fail infection asperity based on semantic manifestations revealed five groups namely., asymptomatic/no chlorosis in individual cultivar (Solanum torvum) slight chlorosis of leaves in two genotypes (Arka Keshav and Surya), Moderate blood deficiency with sagging or stunting of the plant in ten genotypes (EC-620509, EC-615055, EC-620378, EC-620389, EC-620394, EC-620422, EC-631369, AVTO-9803, EC-620428 and EC-631379), harsh chlorosis accompanying wilting and diminish of the plant in four genotypes (EC-620503, LA-1589, Marutham and PKM-1) and plant death was noticed in eight genotypes (EC-620441, EC-620452, LA -0490, Money maker, Pusa rohini, Pusa sheethal, containing susceptible checks (Pusa Ruby and Arka Vikas). Genotypes presenting Fusarium wilt fighting will be grafted on to marketing variety of attractive woman and evaluated under open field environments for yield, quality limits and disease opposition under Telangana conditions.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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