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Variations of the Functional Leaf Traits in Some Agroforestry Woody Species of the Sudano-guinea....

Leaf functional features have been demonstrated to be helpful in determining how and why ecosystems and their components differ between plant species and across environmental variation. The effects of plant taxonomy (species, families), habit (deciduous, semi-deciduous, and evergreen leaves), and habitat on leaf functional attributes were studied in this study (savannah, forest gallery, and plantation). In the Sudano-guinea savannahs of the Ngaoundere, Adamawa Cameroon, leaf traits (length, width, fresh and dry mass, water content, thickness, area, specific leaf area, leaf dry matter content, specific leaf mass, and density) and plant height of 24 agroforestry plant species were investigated across sites heterogeneity and taxonomic characteristics. The findings revealed that functional leaf features vary amongst plant species depending on the trait. T. macroptera (28,18 cm, 13,84 g, 6,08 g, and 0,55 mm) had the longest length, fresh and dry mass, and thickness, while S. longepedunculata had the shortest length, fresh and dry mass, and thickness (4,71cm; 0,10 g et 0,04 g et 0,13 mm). U. togoensis had the largest broad and area (311,18 cm2), while S. longepedunculata had the smallest (1,00 cm, 5,03 cm2 ). S. g. guineense had the maximum plant height (11,50 m) while H. acida had the lowest (1,80 m). P. febrifugum had the highest water content (85,20 percent,.) and U. togoensis had the lowest (0,20 percent ). H. madagascariensis had the largest specific leaf area (249,00 cm-2.g) while T. macroptera had the smallest (de 44,00 cm-2.g). Finally, the leaf dry matter content, specific leaf mass, and density were highest in H. madagascariensis (0,85 g.g-1, 0,02 mg-1. cm2 and 0,09 g. mm-3) and lowest in P. febrifugum (0,29 g. g-1, de 0,001 mg-1. cm2) and V. paradoxa, respectively (0,29 g. g-1, de 0,001 mg-1. cm2 ) and lowest in P. febrifug (0,02 g. mm-3 ). Plant families, life forms, behaviours, and habitats all have an impact on leaf functional features. These functional leaf features were shown to be linked. Please see the link :-



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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