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Watering Rates and Its Response to Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Genotypes Growth Development

Cocoa genotypes presenting different answers to water and watering rates to progress parameters necessitate this study. Seedlings were bred from cocoa hybrids genotypes (CRIN Tc1 – 8) and F3 Amazon. The sources after 4 days of sowing were commit 3 watering rates of 50 ml, 100 ml and 150 ml used once every two days and organized in a CRD design between December 2020 - May 2021 at Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN) Ibadan Nursery. Data composed include the allotment of germination at 2-4 weeks afterwards sowing (WAS), growth limit (plant height, girth, leaf extent, number of leaves), and destructive examining (fresh and dry pressure of shoot burden, root weight and Taproot length) that were statistically analyzed accompanying SAS tools. The dampening rates had no significant effect on dark seedling rise date. Least plant heights were observed when 50ml dampening rate was applied on CRINTc-1 (25.00cm), CRINTc-2 (26.53cm), CRINTc-4 (24.10 cm), CRINTc-6 (27.52cm) and CRINTc-8 (28.75cm) at 20WAS. Stem circumference, number of leaves and fresh root burden were not significantly improved by the dampening levels on the cocoa genotypes. The result also tells that the dry shoot burden was greater than the dry root burden of their corresponding situations. The 3 watering levels had no considerable effect on the rise of the cocoa genotypes but affected the morphological characteristics, fresh and dry burden of the shoot and root limits of the cocoa genotypes. 100 ml watering rate used on the cocoa genotypes acted more appreciably attended by 150 ml.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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