Where is Nepal in the Food System Transition? | South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics
The agriculture sector contributes 27 percent of Nepal's GDP, with 65.56 percent of households relying on agriculture for jobs. However, 51.8 percent of households continue to be food insecure, with 25.2 percent living in poverty. Given these facts, it will be fascinating to see how the economy and food system develop in the future. Despite the seemingly contradictory background of growth, rapid poverty reduction has already occurred. While there is evidence that the transition to a food system is rapid in developing countries, there is very little research linking the food system to its drivers and implications in Nepal. The study looked at food system transformation using secondary data from various sources and interpreting it through a food system conceptual framework. The current food security problem, according to the report, is disparity in food access among people, which is caused by the poverty gap. The results revealed that while the tendencies of food system drivers are on the positive side, agriculture's systemic base (land issues, labour migration, mechanisation, adaptations, and so on) is not so solid. This situation has raised serious concerns about Nepal's food system transformation. This necessitates the establishment of policy objectives. Institutionalized at all three levels of government—federal, state, and local—to reform the food system, concerted action is needed.
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