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Socioeconomic Factors and Cultural Practices Influencing the Resurgence of Bedbugs (Cimex hemipterus
Bedbugs are parasitic insects that feed mostly on blood (human). Cimex hemipterus commonly known as the Tropical bedbug resurge in warmer...
Process Enhancement to Eliminate Adhesive Film Remains during Die Picking | Journal of Engineering R
Adhesive film remains on the dicing tape is one of the problems encountered in diebonding or die attach process during the pick-up...
Morphological Diversity for Yield and Its Component Traits in Mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]
The current experiment was held in Summer season, 2018 at rice upland 1, near rice bore well of Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour,...
Guillain-Barre Syndrome Associated with Acute Hepatitis A Infection: A Case Report | Asian Journal o
Background and Aim: Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is considered as an inflammatory postmanifestation of infectious, which acute ascending...
Febrile Convulsions among Children Admitted in University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Rivers
Introduction: Febrile convulsion is defined as seizures occurring in children with fever in the absence of any brain pathology. It is...
Dental Fluorosis: Dilemma of Genetic Susceptibility | Asian Journal of Dental Sciences
Excessive exposure to fluoride during formation of teeth may lead to a severe hypomineralization condition, called dental fluorosis....
Adsorption Potentials of Alfisol on Glyphosate and Cadmium Contaminants | Current Journal of Applied
Aims: This study aimed at demonstrating the adsorption capacity as well as the removal of glyphosate and cadmium unto Alfisols. Place and...
Toxicological Effects of Overdose of Some Herbal Bitters Commonly Consumed in South Southern Nigeria
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicological effects of overdose of Action Bitters and Goko Cleanser on hepatic, renal...
Post Whipple Biliopancreatic Limb Obstruction Due to Non-recurrence
Aims: To report the biliopancreatic limb obstruction due to non-recurrence in pancreatic cancer patient. Afferent limb obstruction has...
Audit on Roadside Accident Cases and Severity Happening in Indore City, Presenting to MYH Casualty,
Introduction: Road traffic accidents take away the right to life of 3,000 people every day worldwide. This is a global humanitarian...
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