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Key Drivers of Salesperson Performance: The Role of Sales Antecedents and Moderating Effect of Custo
The salespersons are considered as one of the important sources while interacting between the company and its prospective customers. The...
A Thermostable and Alkalitolerant Arabinofuranosidase by Streptomyces lividus | Biotechnology Journa
Aim: The study aimed at producing and purifying thermostable and alkalitolerant microbial arabinofuranosidase using local Palm Kernel...
Hematoprotective and Gastroprotective Effects of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Linn)-Supplemented Diet
Aims: Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (CA) is a plant known to possess very high phenolic compound. The study evaluated hematological indices,...
The Amount of Selected Heavy Metals in Water, Sediments and Fish Species from the Rupsha River, Khul
The present study was conducted to figure out the heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb and Zn) concentrations in water,...
Assessing the Effects of Perceived Value on Event Satisfaction, Event Attachment, and Revisit Intent
The study examines the relationships among perceived value, event satisfaction, event attachment, and revisit intentions in a wine...
Heavy Metal Contamination and Its Risk for Swampy Agricultural Soils of Keffi, Nasarawa West, Nigeri
Swampy agricultural soils could be contaminated as a result of accumulation of heavy metals through emission from industrial areas, mines...
Studies on Biology and Morphometrics of Etiella zinckenella (Lepidoptera) on Lentil under Laboratory
Background: Etiella zinckenella (Treitschke), an important and destructive pest of lentils and peas owing to its feeding habit. Aim: The...
Determinants of Rural Households Food Insecurity in Southern Ethiopia | Asian Food Science Journal
Aim: This study aimed at examining the level and determinants of food insecurity of rural households in Southern Ethiopia using a sample...
The Impact of Financial Deepening on the Economy of Nigeria (1981-2018) | Asian Journal of Economics
This study was carried out to investigate the impact of financial deepening on the Nigerian economy between 1981 and 2018. Data employed...
How are Holiday Photography Startups “Disrupting” Indonesia Tourism Business? | South Asian Journal
The era of disruption has had an effect on changing the business model of the tourism industry based on startups. This business model has...
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