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Networking of the Farm Women by the Farm Science Centre of North Bengal
Agricultural extension organizations of developing nations confronted numerous limitations in their activities of information age and...
The Impact of the Debt Ratio, Total Assets, and Earning Growth Rate on WACC: Evidence from Nepalese
This study examined the impact of the debt ratio, total assets, and earnings growth rate on banks’ WACC. This study employed bank scope...
Genetic Divergence Analysis of Rice Genotypes under Salt Stress Environment
The present investigations were conducted in randomized block design with three replications within the net house of the department of...
Vitreomacular Interphase Disorders in Eyes with Proliferative Sickle Cell Retinopathy
Purpose: To describe the type of vitreomacula interface disorders (VID) seen in eyes with proliferative sickle cell retinopathy, based on...
Introducing Hurdle_T as a Count Regression Model with High Potency in Solving Problems
Count data regression models exhibit different strengths and weaknesses in their bids to solving problems. The study considers six count...
Comparative Study of Percutaneous Catheter Drainage versus Percutaneous Needle Aspiration in Treatme
Background: Modern management of liver abscesses includes a combination of percutaneous needle aspiration or percutaneous catheter...
Survival Pattern and Toxin Production of Pathogens in Spiced and Non Spiced Fried Rice
Aims: There is no data regarding the survival rate of pathogens in party foods held at different temperature and time interval in...
Employee Rewards and Its Performance Implication: A South Eastern Nigeria Experience
The seeming unending controversy between employers and employees in the workplace which have most often led to some sort of faceoff...
Physicochemical, Bacteriological and Biochemical Assessment of Water Samples from Unprotected Wells
Aims: This study presents the results of the physicochemical parameter data and water quality index use to assess the quality of...
Agronomic Evaluation of Fodder Sorghum Varieties under Different Dates of Sowing
A field study conducted during the summer season of 2018 at S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, to evaluate the sowing...
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