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Effect of Circuit Training on the Cardiovascular Endurance and Quality of Life: Findings from an App
Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of a 6-week circuit training on the cardiovascular endurance and quality of life of...
Emission Characteristics of Methyl Ester of Rice Bran Oil Blends with Ethanol in CI Engine
Increasing demand and rapid depletion of fossil fuels have together prompted the researchers of many countries to look for alternate...
Effect of Oral Administration of Ibuprofen on Prothrombin Time, Activated Partial Thromboplastin and
Aim: Ibuprofen is analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drug, which is widely used as a cheap over- the counter drug (OTC);...
A Modified Clinicopathological Conference as a Potential Learning Teaching Activity for Civilian and
The clinicopathological conference (CPC), a novel learning teaching activity, consciously integrates by clinical reasoning, to arrive at...
Estimation of Urinary Delta Aminolevulinic Acid (δ-ALA) Levels in Students of Age Group 15 to 25 Yea
Background: Lead poisoning is a serious and sometimes fatal condition. It occurs when lead builds up in the body. Students exposed to...
Effect of Methanol Extract of Unripe Carica papaya Pulp on Lipid Profile and Liver Function of Allox
Background: Carica papaya is commonly used in the treatment of various diseases like constipation, piles, hypertension and malaria. The...
In vitro Activity of Ozoroa pulcherrima Schweinf. Extracts and Fractions on Schistosoma mansoni Cerc
Aims: Continuous attempts are being made to develop new and more effective drugs for the treatment of schistosomiasis. Ozoroa pulcherrima...
Panaitopol-Bandila-Lascu Type Inequalities for Generalized Hyperbolic Functions
In this paper, we establish Panaitopol-Bandila-Lascu type inequalities for some generalized hyperbolic functions. The established results...
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