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From Inorganic to Organic: Initiatives from the Local Government of Malvar, Philippines
Aim: This paper aimed to discuss the development efforts of the Municipality of Malvar towards the achievement of its vision to be...
Compost Derived from Sugar Cane Processing Waste Better Improves Baillonella toxisperma P. Growth in
Aims: Baillonella toxisperma P. (moabi) is a woody which belongs to Sapotaceae family. It is endemic to the forests of Congo Basin, and...
Impact of NICRA Projecton Farm Income and Farm Productivity of Participant Farmers in Lakhimpur Dist
The present study was conducted in Lakhimpur district of Assam to measure the impact of the interventions of the National Innovations on...
Pharmacological Activities of Martynia (Martynia annua Lin.): A Brief Review
The plant selected for present study is based on that there is no written and systematic study has been done. At present only few (not...
Students’ Perception towards Mathematics and Its Effects on Academic Performance
Aim: The research sought to find out the perception of students towards Mathematics and how it affects their academic attainment in a...
Determination of Adsorption Capacity of Copper II Sulphate on Kaolin
Copper II sulphate is one of those contaminants that undermine the economic, environment and deleterious health effects on people. Kaolin...
Yield of Corn Hybrids in Western Bahia and Southwest Goiania in the Agricultural Year 2017/2018
The objective of this study was to evaluate the yield of corn hybrids in west Bahia and south-west Goias in the agricultural year of...
Structural Analysis Using Integrated Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery in a Basement Complex Ter
In this study, different digital format data sources including aeromagnetic and remotely sensed (Landsat ETM+) data were used for...
Rheology and Functional Properties of Complementary Food Made from Maize (Zea mays) Supplemented wit
Background: Studies have shown that inadequate or lack of suitable complementary feeding is the major cause of PEM and micronutrient...
Molecular Detection of Mycological Content in Ready to Eat Garri in Bayelsa State
Background and Objective: Garri is a powdery carbohydrate-based food material of cassava root tubers (Manihot esculenta Crantz) consumed...
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