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Electrocardiographic and Echocardiographic Findings in Patients Older than 60 Years: A One Year Pilo
Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most frequent diagnosis in elderly people and is the leading cause of death in both men...
Philately’s Implications in Ecological Education via Romanian Thematic Joint Issues (I): with Other
Protected areas, as integral part of natural heritage, by their intrinsic value and low human intervention degree, are by far, the best...
New Insights into Export-growth Nexus: Wavelet and Causality Approaches
It is observed that exports play a significant role in economic expansion. Thus, this study tends to shed more light on the export and...
Aspects of Modern Systemic Approach (I): Beyond the Dynamic Systems Definition, Structure and Proper
General Systems Theory, as well as Systems Theory - as integrated part of the first one, are still under the scrutiny of researchers,...
Creation of Innovative Designs Using Traditional Kashidakari Embroidery Motifs for Home Furnishings
The beautiful and intricate Kashmir embroidery known as ‘Kashidakari’ is recognized everywhere for its beauty of craftsmanship, motifs,...
Improvement in the Management of Leaf Blight Disease of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) with Copper and M
Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) is an important staple food crop for millions of people in developing countries. Taro production...
Heavy Metal Contamination and It’s Cancer Risk in Swampy Agricultural Soils across Karu, Nasarawa We
Swampy agricultural soils could be contaminated as a result of accumulation of heavy metals through emission from industrial areas, mines...
Evaluation of Integrated Farming System Model for Small and Marginal Farmers of Telangana State
The study was conducted to develop Integrated Farming Systems (IFS) model for limited irrigation situation. The land was earmarked for...
Parenting: Types, Effects and Cultural Variation
Studies have been coming out exploring different aspects of parenting and how the child has been shaped by parenting. Parenting is the...
Preparation, Characterization and Biological Efficacy of Eucalyptus Oil Nanoemulsion against the Sto
Nanotechnology has enormous potential for developing alternative pest control strategies and reducing the risk of insecticide molecules....
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